To make a single booking, please download and fill in the form below.
You can either post the form or return the form via email to Kelly, the Hall Officer, at:
Be sure to read the booking conditions on page 2.
To make a single booking, please download and fill in the form below.
You can either post the form or return the form via email to Kelly, the Hall Officer, at:
Be sure to read the booking conditions on page 2.
To make a regular/repeat booking, please download and fill in the form below.
You can either post the form or return the form via email to Kelly, the Hall Officer, at:
Be sure to read the booking conditions on page 3.
If, following a booking, you wish to make a comment, either favourable or unfavourable, please download and fill in the form below.
You can either post the form or return the form via email to Kelly, the Hall Officer, at:
Please note that copies of all of these forms are also available from the Hall Officer.