Most Recent Minutes




  1. Present – Martyn Wyburn (Chair) (MW), Caroline Abbott (CA), Lynn Williams (LW),), Andrew Dawes (AD), Geraldine Hulley (GH), Dave Birch-Minute sec. (DB).


  • Apologies – received from Shona Atkin, Amanda Bland


  1. Declarations of interest – MW and AD are members of Kibworth Theatre Company. GH is member of Women’s Institute and Welcome Kitchen. Shona Atkin (hirer)
  2. The minutes of the meeting held on February 21st 2024 were agreed.


  1. Matters arising

(i)Staff payment via BACS – LW reported that this had still to be finalised

Action LW


(ii)New KCH road sign – MW reported that the signpost to KCH was now in place. MW also pointed out that sign at entrance to carpark still to be removed.

Action MW/AD


(iii)Storage – work ongoing.

(iv)Letter to The Well concerning joint working – MW still to complete this.

Action MW


(v)Energy costs – MW reported that contracts for gas and electricity supply over next two years had now been signed and would be slightly less expensive than reported in the February minutes.


(vi)Thermostat – Kelly had now lowered the temperature.


(vii)SA still to report back on her research into the hire charges of other local halls for use of projector and screen.

Action SA


(viii)Staffing issues – LW was preparing a formal letter to staff regarding rise in minimum wage from April and its effect on staff salaries. LW also reported that her review meeting with Alison was imminent.

Action LW


(ix)Wednesday morning drop in – MW is still looking for volunteers.

Action MW


6)   Treasurers report –GH confirmed that due to the significant increase in gas and electricity bills during the last 12 months, this had had an impact on income. In order to ensure that finances were not further eroded, Trustees were informed of a need to generate more income through fund-raising and accessing grants. Where the latter was confirmed, Trustees should not rely on this as there was never absolute certainty of being successful but there were opportunities out there that can be accessed. Where fund raising was concerned, the group had identified a number of opportunities including: a tea dance, beetle and whist drives for existing welcome kitchen customers; Abba quiz and movie night; abseiling; and, an 80s disco. Trustees left the meeting with activities allocated to them and a shared commitment to plan their respective events.


7)Fund raising –

(i)GH was keen to run a Beetle Drive in April and a Whist Drive in May on Monday mornings by which time Welcome Kitchen will have stopped for the summer half of a year.

Action GH


(ii)GH also volunteered to organise a Tea Dance, most likely in June.

Action GH


(iii)MW is booking to abseil from the Spinnaker Tower at Portsmouth on May 18th and was proposing to get sponsorship for attempting this feat.

Action MW


(iv)LW intends to organise a 1980s disco in September.

Action LW

(v)MW is still planning to organise an ABBA night but it has been put back to Autumn.

Action MW


(vi)AB has expressed an interest in organising a 1940s Tea Dance.

Action AB


(vii)AD to approach LMT and KTC to see if they would put on an event to raise funds on behalf of KCH

Action AD

(vii)GH is to prepare a spreadsheet to coordinate these events.

Action GH

(viii)An application had been made to ‘Awards for All’ for a grant. MW reported that he had had to say that a bid-writer had helped put the application forward.  This may mean that the application could be turned down, although this has not been confirmed yet.


Trustees agreed that the hall does need to become entirely self-sufficient and,

In the longer term, the Hall needs to at least cover its main running costs through income from bookings.


There was a need for more promotion of the Hall as 3 hireable spaces. To this end, MW was arranging for a publicity leaflet to be produced and distributed.

Action MW

A need for a more visible presence on Social Media is recognised and to this end LW will ask for help with this via the next Kibworth Chronicle.

Action LW


The meeting closed at 6.50pm



  • Present – Martyn Wyburn (Chair) (MW), Caroline Abbott (CA), Lynn Williams (LW), Amanda Bland (AB), Andrew Dawes (AD), Geraldine Hulley (GH), Dave Birch Minute sec. (DB).


  • Apologies – received from and Shona Atkin.

David Brierley did not attend.

  • Declarations of interest – MW and AD are members of Kibworth Theatre Company. GH is member of Women’s Institute and Welcome Kitchen
  • The minutes of the meeting held on November 15th were agreed.


  • Matters arising

(i)Eric’s absence -Alison, Kelly, MW and AD were thanked for sharing locking up duties between December 8th and January 1st.

(ii)Staff payment via BACS – LW had been in touch with Sheila McCudden of TP Jones Accountants – payment by this method was a very simple process and is mentioned in staff contracts. GH would liaise with Nat.West bank to get this underway

(ii)Late night shopping – this was considered to have been a great success, and quite a money spinner for the Hall. All trustees were thanked for their contributions on the night. Particular thanks is due to Bex the stilt walking angel who spread her wings and was a great addition to the evening,  Special thanks too for Lynn, who arranged for Bex to attend.

(iii)New KCH road sign – MW reported that the signpost to KCH had now been ordered.


  • Treasurers report – GH presented a summary of income and expenditure since the last meeting. Total income for November was £3,111.16; expenditure for the same period was £3,115.45. Opening balance at the bank £17,917.07 and the closing balance £17,912.79.


  • Projector and screen -these have now been purchased and tested. AD arrange for them to be hard wired them into place, currently, they are operated from extenson leads . All will be completed in good time for the ABBA night, still planned for March 16th.


  • Staffing issues –Eric’s absence had raised the issue of how or whether he should receive recompense for his time off work. His weekly hours of work made him well below the threshold for eligibility for statutory sick pay. It was agreed that, as a goodwill gesture, he should be paid in full for the duration. Eric, as he should for such a long absence, provided a sick note. This was confidential information and should be stored as such. MW suggested that it would best be stored away from the Hall and that the personal records would be kept at the chair’s house. Trustees were in agreement.

MW had offered Eric a formal review but Eric felt that it was not necessary.


  • Storage – Kelly, Alison, AD, GH and MW had carried out a major spring-clean and stock-take of the kitchen. We have plentiful stocks of all but bowls. If the Hall receives a grant from Platform Housing, a little of that grant could be used to purchase bowls.

The old toilets at the foot of the stairs on the long corridor has been cleared of unwanted matter and is now the card table store for U3A.

The next stage of the rationalising the Hall’s storage space will be for the two theatre companies to clear the under-stage area of their impedimenta – MW to set this process in motion.


  • Staffing issues – MW and LW have yet to conduct reviews with Alison and Eric. MW had been speaking with Eric who had expressed satisfaction with work situation which perhaps makes a formal review unnecessary. See note 8


  • Essential maintenance – December had been a quiet month – AD had repaired the vacuum cleaner.

MW and AD had noted that the roof space above the corridor on the south side of the Hall was lacking firebreaks. MW would bring this to the attention of the Steering Group at their next meeting.

12)Risk assessment – MW had made a provisional risk assessment for ‘trips and falls’ – trustees felt that this was a good start. AB pointed out that the entrance lobby trapped lots of leaves in the autumn and winter and that wet leaves were a ‘slip hazard’. She suggested that a warning notice this effect be posted in the foyer.

13)Plans for 2024 – the next meeting would be on Wednesday February 21st. The AGM would be held at 7.00pm on Wednesday March 13th at 7.00pm, to be preceded by a trustee meeting to discuss finances.

The meeting closed at 8.00pm

Date of next meeting – February 21st at 7.00pm.